Sample pages from Treescape
Treescape is a series of photographs depicting personal contemplations and reflections of Scotland’s trees, forests and woodlands over the last few years. Emphasis is on the inherent beauty of trees – their rich variety of forms and textures, their diversity of seasonal-dependant colour and their enduring aesthetic appeal.
Whether exploring a chaotic tangle of dense Perthshire woodland, contemplating a highland copse by a remote lochan or getting close-up to a solitary silver birch, in trees I find subjects for the camera which allow me begin to delve beneath the surface of things. For me, the essence of Scotland’s landscape is, invariably, revealed in its details. Trees do have a unique and, often, extremely evocative presence in the Scottish landscape, one which is profoundly related to light and climate and this is conveyed throughout the book.
The photographs are supplemented by a few selected quotes and extracts from eminent literary figures including poets such as Robert Burns, Wendell Berry and D H Lawrence and the writer and philosopher Albert Camus. This 50 page book is self-published and currently on a limited edition print-run of 75 copies.